
Famous Apps Built by JavaScript

Created by Brendan Eich, JavaScript is a global website platform designed using a high-level programming language that makes it more convenient for non-developers, hence its consideration as a user-friendly language. JavaScript provides attractive user experiences as it enables interactive aspects in web pages.  JS was designed in a way that facilitates its operation with minimum effort in PCs and mobile browsing systems. It is also consistent across all browsers including -Opera Mini, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer. Many companies prefer  outsourcing Javascript  development to benefit from the expertise and efficiency that these partner companies can provide. These are some benefits of using JavaScript: Speed- it doesn’t need a response from the server while coding and this makes it very efficient. User-friendly- it displays contents the user needs, and it works with graphical interfaces that help execute several tasks. Offline support and storage- various a

5 Cyber-security Best Practices You Should Be Following Right Now

Share on Face Twitter If you have a business and you don’t have an   online presence , you’re handicapping yourself. That’s just how it is today. Without harnessing the power of the internet and social media, you’re losing out on a substantial number of customers. But putting yourself and your business out in the digital world exposes you to threats. You must have heard of phishing scams, malware, and other cyber crimes committed by hackers. If you think that hackers only have big targets on their sight,  such as banks   and government offices, think again. Small and medium-sized businesses have the   highest risk of cyberattack . To protect your business and your customers, follow these five cybersecurity best practices. 1: Keep Your Software and Hardware Up-to-Date Hackers will look for any weaknesses and flaws to gain access to your network. If the software protecting your computers are outdated, it means that the cybercriminals have had more

Microsoft’s New Programming Language ‘Bosque’ Keeps Your Code Simple

Microsoft has  launched  a new programming language called Bosque. The company says Bosque has been designed to write code that is “simple, obvious, and easy to reason” for both humans and machines. The purpose of this open-source project is to develop a functional programming language that prevents “accidental complexity” in coding and development. Codes generated in Bosque language are supposed to be simple and easy by adopting algebraic operations and avoiding techniques that create complexity. Bosque is the brainchild of Microsoft’s computer scientist Mark Marron and is based on syntax and types of TypeScript. It also uses the semantics ML and Node/JavaScript. Marron describes the new language as a move to shift from the paradigm of structured programming that became popular since the 1970s. In a structured programming model, the flow control is managed through loops, conditionals, and subroutines. Bosque gets rid of sources of complexity like loops, mutable state, an

Everything To Know About Web Browsers And Their Engines

You might already have heard the news: Google has more or less won the browser wars as Microsoft has started to rebuild its Edge web browser right from scratch. However, this time the company will make use of the open-source Chromium code which underpins many other web browsers including, Opera Brave Vivaldi Google Chrome (of course) And since Microsoft is going to do it right from the ground up, it is not a stretch to think that Microsoft is actually switching to a completely different (and perhaps better) web browser rendering engine. With that out of the way, you may be wondering, What is a web browser engine? Moreover, how does a web browser’s engine affect a given online consumer’s web browsing experience? In this guide, we will go through all the necessary details that you need to know about in order to really differentiate between different web browsers. You see, whenever you are in the process of selecting a web browser or changing a web browser, you a