
Top 20 Security Awareness Tips & Tricks

Keeping your data safe and far away from the clutches of the hacking community is a need of the hour in today’s world. We have compiled 20 of the most beneficial security awareness tips and tricks that should be common knowledge. Don’t sell yourself short Many forensic experts claim that the majority of their victims believed that  it wouldn’t happen to them.  They were naive enough to consider themselves unimportant to the extent that they didn’t take any precautionary measures to maintain their devices’ security. Every one of us needs to realize that we are all attractive targets to hackers. Make password management a top priority If there’s one tip that can’t be considered expendable in this list, it’s this one. Setting/generating and then maintaining/storing/updating passwords astutely is something that should be practiced at the personal, as well as the enterprise levels. Don’t abandon your devices unlocked/unattended Be it a computer or a mobile phone, the ele

10 ways to keep yourself secure online against cyber attacks

Have you ever received emails from unknown sources claiming to offer insurance, lottery tickets or advertisements? You may have noticed that such emails always have a link that they prompt you to click. What lies on the other side of the link can be any one of many ways to phish users into giving away their important login credentials.  You obviously don’t want any confidential information such as credit card numbers or account passwords to be misused or imagine a scenario where you have downloaded a file which turned out to be malware and now your system is infected with nasty ransomware. In this article, you’ll find effective tips that can help you stay secure online.  #1. Set Robust Passwords The most basic mistake that users make is setting easily guessed passwords so they don’t forget them and the attackers happily use this as a weakness by figuring out commonly used passwords. Don’t make it easy for hackers to get access to your online accounts and set str

10 Most Common Web Security Vulnerabilities

OWASP or Open Web Security Project is a non-profit charitable organization focused on improving the security of software and web applications. The organization publishes a list of top web security vulnerabilities based on the data from various security organizations. The web security vulnerabilities are prioritized depending on exploitability, detectability and impact on software. Exploitability – What is needed to exploit the security vulnerability? Highest exploitability when the attack needs only web browser and lowest being advanced programming and tools. Detectability – How easy is it to detect the threat? Highest being the information displayed on URL, Form or Error message and lowest being source code. Impact or Damage – How much damage will be done if the security vulnerability is exposed or attacked? Highest being complete system crash and lowest being nothing at all. The main aim of OWASP Top 10 is to educate the developers, designers, managers, archite